Welcome to Week 3 of the “In and Out” Quilt Along!
Now we get to the real fun. We are now going to take some of the pieces we cut and start making our first unit of the block, the half square triangle.
I have fallen in love with half-square triangles in the last couple years. I’ve been designing and creating many quilts using these simple units. What’s really amazing about the half-square triangle is that it can be used in very traditional quilts, and they can also be assembled into some amazing modern patterns, as well!
So let’s get started!
Piecing the Half Square Triangle Units
Match one 5-inch background square with one 5-inch pastel square, right sides together. Draw a diagonal line across the pastel square of the pair, as shown.
2. Sew 1/4-inch seam on both sides of the drawn line. I used a high contrast thread color. You should use thread that more closely matches your fabric colors.
3. Cut on the line to make half square triangle units.
3. Press half square triangles, pressing your seam toward the pastel side.
4. Repeat Steps 1-3 to make 96 half-square triangle units.
5. Trim each half-square triangle unit to measure 4 1/2 inches.
That’s it for this week! Here is a schedule of what we will be working on each week so you have an idea of what’s coming.
Week 1 – Introduction, choose fabric for quilt.
Week 2 – Cutting the pieces you will need to make the quilt.
Week 3 – Sew half square triangles.
Week 4 – Assemble blocks.
Week 5 – Sew the blocks together into the full quilt.
Week 6 – Show and Tell – See quilts from other quilters!
And be sure to forward the link to this page to your friends. They can jump in any time and quilt this free pattern along with us!
Happy Quilting,
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